HUG DAY Special - कुछ फेमस और शायरी, SMS और चुट्कुले, Quotes
Best Jokes आइये हँसते हैं -- कुछ फेमस और मजेदार चुट्कुले aur Quotes - HUG day Special hindi SMS
HUG DAYy jokes and status in Hindi, Hug Day SMS in Hindi and English – Feb 12, 2021. Here,Hindi SMS on Hug day , hindi status on Hug Day and English also here Hindi Funny Jokes on Hug Day , Proposal hindi Shayari , Hindi Quotes on Hug Day . All stuff for Hug day. Also here Whole Valentine Day Collection. Hope you enjoy it.
Every year on February 12, we celebrate Hug Day. It appears very important to observe this day. If any of your friend, family and loves is very sad, if he is made a Big Hug, then forgets all the grief for a moments make them happy.
back to ancient times. No special day is needed to Hug a person for happiness. This can be done daily. But still we celebrate this Hug Day as Special Day. And all lovers share status, Wishes, Quotes, Shayari etc. to each other. We have shared here for this whole valentine groups. I hope you like this.
Page Contents
- Status & DP on HUG DAY
- Jokes on HUG DAY
- Status in English,SMS in eng and hindi on HUG DAY
Hug Day Status & DP
एक दोस्त – यार तुझे पता है,
दूसरा उसे Hug करके बोला –
इस्से तो छोटा ही होगा ।
Its True…
Nothing is Bigger then friends love.
My Sweetheart..When u Hug me,
I Want to Melt in your arms and
Stay there Foreve
बातों बातों में दिल ले जाते हो देखते हो,
इस तरह जान ले जाते हो…
अपनी आदतों से दिल को धड़काते हो….
लेकर बाहों में, तुम सारा जहान भुलाते देते हो…
Jaanu Happy Hug Day
When you Hug someone, Its nothing.
When someone Hug you, Its something.
When you love someone and they love you back,
Its everything. Happy Hug Day
Hindi Jokes
सिर्फ एक बार गले लगाकर,
मेरे दिल की धड़कन सुन
फिर लौटने का इरादा हम तुम पर छोड़ देंगे
Hug Day मुबारक
Worrying doesn’t reduce Yesterdays sorrow
But it empties today’s strength
So don’t worry
Be happy and HUG the life with a smile.
Happy Hug day.
कोई कहे इसे जादू की झप्पी..
कोई कहे इसे प्यार..
मौका है खूबसूरत आ गले लग जा यार…
एक ही तमन्ना,☝️ एक ही आरजू…
बाँहों की पनाह में तेरे…
सारी जिन्दगी गुजर जाए…
मुझे बाँहों में बिखर जाने दो,
अपनी खुशनुमा साँसों से महक जाने दो,
दिल 💘 मचलता है और सांस रूकती है –
अब तो सीने में आज मुझे उतर आने दो…
hug day my Dear…
What the heart gives away is never gone,
But kept in the hearts of others,
From dusk to dawn.
Hug Day you from the core of my heart
Happy Hug day…
एक बार तो मुझे सीने से लगा ले…
अपने दिल के भी अरमान सजा ले…
कबसे है तड़प तुझे अपना बनाने की…
आज तो मौका है मुझे अपने पास बुला ले
Heart Touching Status for Hug Day in hindi
This hug will make you feel SO GOOD!
Can you feel it
Best wishes to you on this hug day.
Hug day in Hindi Wishes
आ गले लग जा मेरे यार,
दे दूँ जादू की जप्पी तुझे दो-चार,
Happy Hug Day
Hug Day for WhatsApp Special Song Status
हम को हमी से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो
हम अकेले न हो जाये दूर तुमसे न हो जाये पास आओ गले से लगा लो…
Happy Hug Day
Tears 😭 can sometimes be more special than smiles.
For smiles can be given to anyone but tears are only shed for people we Hug…
Talk to me when I’m boreD,
kisS me When i’m sAd,
Hug me whEn i crY,
Cae for me When i dIe,
Love me When I’m still Alive.
मौका भी है मौसम भी.!
हुस्न तेरा बेताब भी है.!!
आ करीब सीने से लगा ले.!
गले मिल सारे गम भुला ले.!
मन ही मन करती हूँ बातें…
दिल की हर एक बात कह जाती हूँ…
एक बार तो ले लो बाँहों में सजना…
यही हर बार कहते कहते रुक जाती हूँ…
Sometimes a simple
hug from a friend is just enough to get you through the day.
Happy Hug day
Sometimes a hug is the answer,
Even when the question is not known Happy Hug day
Some times a hug is all you need.
Happy Hug day
Some thing warm and cozy
Just for you because I love yo
Happy Hug day I am sending u a
अपनी बाँहों में मुझे बिखर जाने दो…
साँसों से अपनी मुझे महक जाने दो…
दिल बेचैन है कबसे इस प्यार के लिए…
आज तो सीने में अपने मुझे उतर जाने दो…
Wish you a Hug Day
Since ur eyes are looking tired
Let ur eye lashes
hug each other for few hours.
Happy Hug Day to my dear one.
Happy Hug day
Sending you a hug to ease your stress.
A kiss to make you smile and my heart to say,
I’m thinking of you.
I miss you
Hug day to u dear
Hug Day Wishes in Hindi
तुम गले मिले तो ऐसे लगा जैसे पिछले जनम की बिछड़ी रूह मिली हो…
Happy Hug Day
Hug Day Jokes
Funny Jokes Status
आज 12 Feb हग डे है,
तो कायदे से कल 13 Feb
हेन्ड वॉस डे होना चाहिये न
बचपन से तेज दिमाग है,
पर कभी घमंड नहीं करता…
Happy Hug Day
Also View Hug Day Other Post
आपके नाम के साथ HUG DAY WISH
A hug is the shortest distance between friends.
Happy Hug Day My Best Friend…
No matter where you are
I’ll always find my way to ?
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses
I love only you!
Wishing my dear a
happy hug day.
Never wait until
tomorrow to hug someone you could hug today,
Because when you give one,
You get one right back your way.
Happy Hug day.
Never ask for a hug
Just take it
Never ask Do You Love me
I Love you
Never say I Can’t live without you
I live for you.
You’ve been trained
Now go and FLIRT !
Happy Hug day.
Loves when you get that one-of-a-kind
hug that just makes
all your worries disappear
Happy Hug day
Love the hug, but hate letting go
hug day
Just do me a favor,
Put ur left hand on ur right shoulder and Ur right hand
on ur left shoulder.
Guess what…
I just messaged you a hug.
Happy Hug day
It sucks
when you need a hug
and nobody is there to give you one.
Happy Hug day
If you hesitate when
I hold your hand,
I will let you go.
If you run away when I give you a kiss,
I will let you go.
But once you let me give you a hug,
Just once…
I will never let you go
Happy 🤗 Hug day.
If I had wings
I would fly To embrace you in a loving hug
So that problems just pass by Happy Hug Day.
If I could freeze any moment,
It would be any one of the times i was in your arms,
Cause that could never last long enough.
Happy Hug day
If a hug represented how much I loved you,
I would hold you
in my arms forever. Wish you a happy hug day.
I’m sending you this hug
A special hug for you FROM ME!
Happy Hug Day.
I wish guys had the natural instinct to tell
when girls need a hug.
because that would make a lot of girls feel better.
Happy Hug day
I Love you more today than
I did yesterday,
But not as much as I will tomorrow.
I love hugging.
I wish I was an octopus
so I could hug ten people at a time on this
Hug Day.
I know You love gifts
I am sending you one that is hug
Its a hug from me to you!
Happy hug Day
I hide my tears
when I say your name,
but the pain in my heart is still the same.
Although I Smile
and Seem Carefree,There is no one
Who misses you more than ME!
Happy Hugs Day
Hug someone you love and tell
how much you care because
When they are gone no matter
how loud you shout and Cry
they won’t hear
you anymore.
Happy Hug day.
Hug is the loving gift that
costs no money and can be distributed for
free to make the love grow.
Love you honey on the HUG day.
Hug Day New Status
At this special Hug Day,
I am sending you a
most precious hug of me,
If you like
then return me too.
Happy Hug Day!
Keep it going by passing this hug on to your friends.
Enjoyable Hug Day
God has gifted me these arms,
So that I can delightfully hug
you and fill you up with charm Happy Hug Day.
Even though i’m away, in my heart
I’m right by your side and here’s a hug
from me to say,
I love you a lot. Sweetheart.!
Happy Hug day
During the lowest phase of your life
a simple hug from that
special someone can turn your tears to joy.
Happy Hug Day
A kiss without a hug is like a flower
without the fragrance.
Happy Hug day
A hug is the shortest distance between friends.
Happy Hug day
A hug is a handshake from the heart
So always remain close to my heart
and best wishes on this hug day.
Happy Hug day
A hug is a great gift…
One size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion
And it’s easy to exchange.
Happy Hug day
A hug from you is the best thing in the world!
Happy Hug day
A hug delights and warms and charms,
That must be why God gave us arms.
Happy Hug day.
Happy Hug Day -
Hug makes everything better than thousand words
A hug can say
I will miss you.
It can say your special,
or best of all, I love you.
It can soothe a hurt, or calm a fear,
or cheer us`when were blue.
So here a hug for you.
Happy Hug day.
A girl wants a guy
that will tell her
she’s beautiful,
give her
a hug when she needs it,
and tell her he loves her…