There is some mistakes on admit card, is it problem on exam centre or not...

 There is some mistakes on admit card, is it problem on exam centre or not...

            many of us facing these problem on admit card like mismatching name on admit card and id ( we have )...

          1.  today i have some problem like mismatching complete name on admit card and my id....
actually there is missing of my middle name on admit card which is exist on my every identity card like pan, school id, marksheet etc.

so my first question on my mind is
Is there be any problem on exam center when going to take test...

answer is NO.
(this example is in case of state exams offline and online)

so just relax and do your prepartion

if any other problem you facing just comment here we will try to give you answer soon
in case of vyapam, psc, cgpsc, upsc and other state exams

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