What is today's blog- WATER

  what is todays blog - about water and its physical properties and some instrument used for measure its properties, acceptable and permissible values etc.


water and its properties

chemical formula -H2O

Raw water - Water get from natural sources is known as raw water.

Colour -

  • colourless (pure water), various colours (Raw water)
  •  it is determined by tintometer instrument by color maching technique,in tintometer chlorinated platinated ions are mixed with water then it is tested on tintometer.(amount 1mg/litre). this test is done  within 72 hour because after 72 hour there are physical and chemcal activites changes in water.
  • unit
    •  TCU (true colour unit)
    • 5TCU (acceptable or min)
    • 25 TCU (permissible or max)

Taste and Odour-

  •  caused by present of particles (suspended and dissolved) in water.
  •  it is determined by TON (ThreShold Odour Number)
(Note what is THRESHOLD ODOUR NUMBER-imagine take a 5 litre of sugar water and find its TON.for it add a extra pure water to reduce its taste completely and measure the last volume of water.
Then use the formula TON = final volume /initial volume )


turbidity is a property of water in which the paritcles and solides present in water scatter and absorb the lights because of which the water get displeasing appearace.IN short if water is like a musty then it is said turbid water

the turbidity is caused by solids and matter present in water that absorb or scatter the  light particles.it can be divide into two types-
1.filterable particle (suspended solid) - clay, organic matter, sands ,oil, grease etc.
2.Non filterable particle (dissolved solid) - oil, grease, gases, limes etc.
 It is determined by
  • Silica turbidmeter - STU (1mg/l silica added in water based on STU)
  • Turbidity rod -(aluminium rod and platinum needle)
  • Baylis turbiditymeter BTU (color maching technique, light passes color produce , it is based on absorption of light )
  • Nephlometer -NTU (formazine-hexamethiletetraamine added in water, using photomaterial on for light strikes, it is based of scattering of light)
  • jackson turbiditymeter - JTU (it is used for >25 so not used for drinking water
turbidity  >5STU can be detected by normal eyes.

permissible value  10NTU
acceptable valur     1NTU


It affects (increase) the checmical and bilogical activities in waterevery 10 increases cause double the activity. 

acceptable 10
permissible 20


 turbidity is a property of water in which the paritcles and solides present in water scatter and absorb the lights because of which the water get displeasing appearace.IN short if water is like a musty then it is said turbid water.

the turbidity is caused by solids and matter present in water.it can be divide into two types-
1.filterable particle (suspended solid) - clay, organic matter, sands etc.
2.Non filterable particle (dissolved solid) - oil, grease, gases, limes etc.
 It is determined by
  • Silica turbidmeter - STU (1mg/l silica added in water based on STU)
  • Turbidity rod -(aluminium rod and platinum needle)
  • Baylis turbiditymeter BTU (color maching technique, light passes color produce , it is based on absorption of light )
  • Nephlometer -NTU (formazine-hexamethiletetraamine added in water, using photomaterial on for light strikes, it is based of scattering of light)
  • jackson turbiditymeter - JTU (it is used for >25 so not used for drinking water
turbidity >5STU can be detected by normal eyes.
permissible value 10NTU
acceptable valur 1NTU

it affects (increase) the checmical and bilogical activities in water
every 10 increases cause double the activity.

acceptable 10
permissible 20

Suspended solids- seen by normal eyes.organic partical like- algae, fibre,inorganics like- clay, sand, stone,oils, grease,
ashethetically displeased appearance
provide absorption site to chemical and biological parameters.

Dissolved solids-unseen by normal eyes and dissolved in water.

how to measure suspended and dissolved particles?
  • boil the water at 104 and pass it through filter paper.the retained particles in paper is organic and inorganic particle.for determining seperately. heat on 600 -650. by this the organic particle get vaporized or burns and then the residue is inorganic particle

for organic particle -(retained in filter paper) -( residue after burn)
suspended particle(retained in filter paper) - organic + inorganic particles

suspended solid
acceptable value -500mg/l
permissible vlaue-2000mb/l

2.Incrusion- settlement of solid particles of water in pipes or botom of buckets. that cause chokes in pipe and other problem.technical word.
pH value for drinking water-
ranges 6.5-8

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